A podcast storytelling lab


Me and my lovely family a few years ago. Now, we've added a third girl to the mix due mid-April 2018! Whew! Love this family thing!

Me and my lovely family a few years ago. Now, we've added a third girl to the mix due mid-April 2018! Whew! Love this family thing!

XIAN. Husband. Daddy to three girls. Entrepreneur. Intrapreneur. Storyteller. Idea guy. Connector.

I am a storyteller and storylistener. In fact, I enjoy hearing stories more than I do telling them. Something powerful happens in the human soul when stories are told. A shift. A moment in time is experienced. A connection. A feeling is experienced. A thought is created. When we tell and hear stories alike, we are experiencing the very basic and powerful meaning of what it means to be human. And, the most powerful stories change us from who we are to who we are becoming. That is why I love storytelling.

And that is why I went from a podcast listener, to a podcast creator/host, to now a podcast producer and storyteller. It started with a vision in 2014, became a reality in Jan. 2015, and after a long season of change and challenge, was transformed into what it is today in 2018: Eleven14 Studios.

Eleven14 is a podcast storytelling lab specializing in audio podcasts and founded in Woodstock, GA (NW Metro Atlanta). Launched in Fall 2017, my vision is to produce podcasts that tell stories, change lives, and spark movements. I launched the Missional Man Podcast in Jan. 2015. I'm launching The Cancer Podcast early Summer 2018. I just launched a pet project on the Anchor podcast app with a podcast called, "A Quiet Place" Show focused on dissecting the ins and outs of the movie. I just launched online an album of some practice work called "Sermon Jams: Volume One" available for free streaming and download. And, I'm working on securing the vision for The Leadershape Podcast for the Fall 2018/Winter 2019 season. If you are passionate about telling stories about real people to help create real change, then reach out to me.

Podcasts are digital storytelling. The theater of the mind. Things happen when we tell and hear stories. Moments occur. People change. And, the best stories cause a spark that ignites a real change.

Join me on this journey.


Jonathan Chambers, Founder/Creator Eleven14 Studios