A podcast storytelling lab


My Next Project Launches June 2018...


My Next Launch

Learn about my next launch and the idea pitch.

When you share a deadline goal with friends, it's a realistic probability. When you share that same deadline with the public, it's good as a gold standard guarantee. So, here goes....

My next project and first official podcast produced by Eleven14 is set to launch

Friday, June 1, 2018: "The Cancer Secrets Podcast - hosted by Jonathan Stegall, MD".

Deep breath. And, there it is. Today, Thursday, May 24 I officially submitted my podcast RSS feed URL to iTunes and their Apple Podcast Connect program. Fingers-crossed, hands together in the prayer position. If everything gets approved, The Cancer Secrets Podcast will be live on Apple Podcasts next Friday, June 1. It was almost exactly a year ago when I had the idea for this show, reluctantly pitched it to Dr. Stegall, my wife's oncologist in Atlanta, and now a good friend and official client.

I remember the conversation with my supportive and loving wife. It went down like most ideas I've ever had (including my idea for an American Rickshaw Franchise called "Unicab" on every college campus in the country; oh yeah, that's a real idea), "hey babe, so, I had this idea the other day...". And, in her sweet, loving manner, regardless of how bad the idea is, she humors me and patiently listens. But, this time was different. She didn't just say, "yeeaaah, yeah babe, that's uh, that's a neat idea..." and then ask a million clarifying questions proving my idea was not well-thought out. This time, she said, "babe, that's actually a really good idea." So, I knew I was probably onto something. A few months later, after email exchanges, soft pitches, and researching and planning, I set up an in-person meeting with Dr. Stegall. I pitched the idea fully, made my case, shared stats on podcasting, and tried to tell him why I was the guy to help him see this idea become a reality.

Dr. Stegall, a kindhearted person and excellent doctor, with his normal calm demeanor and peaceful personality, said, "I trust you. Let's do this." He took a chance on me. And, after nearly twelve months of building a podcast company from scratch, as my side hustle, and honing my production and creative skills, we are only eight days from launch.

So, will you join us? Did you or someone you love just recently get the news of "you have cancer"?  Do you feel scared, stressed, or overwhelmed with the amount of information out there on cancer and cancer treaments? Are you looking for support, clarity, hope, and a voice you can trust? Or, maybe you're interested in learning more about integrative and alternative treatment paths to cancer? Consider downloading and sharing "The Cancer Secrets Podcast" from the Apple Podcasts App when it goes live June 1, 2018. Also, it can be found and streamed online at drstegall.com. Learn, find hope, and listen to a voice you can trust all on-the-go from your smart phone.

I hope you'll stay updated on our progress and upcoming launch.